
Advantage of serial processing
Advantage of serial processing

Serial by it's nature has to place one thing after the other whereas Parallel can place many things at the same time. It's the info ariving slightly ahead or behind in time from where it should be. If not I suspect just as with digital clocking you have "jitter" to use a word we are familar with (maybe time smear might be the phrase to use). Not only do both Parallel DSP's and a Serial CPU have to do a given amount of work in "X" amount of time to function in real time but they have to place the results of that work at the RIGHT MOMENT in time. Now for the time element which is of the most interest to me and why I thought this subject deserved it's own thread. Do modern CPU's have the raw numbers to beat that? I suspect it's on a case by case basis looking at each DSP implementation (did they take a shortcut or did they over design and use streamlined code for efficiency?). What is the most effective at horsepower/computation? DSP's are basically a reduced instruction set CPU and have the advantage of special purpose and using many at the same time, in effect forming a specialized multicore CPU unto themselves. In my mind I break down the comparison of both approaches to a horsepower/computational element and a time element. To get this thread rolling I'm just going to state the way I view it (my opinion) as I'm sure others will chime in with their understandings and maybe we can all learn something. Software convolution reverb (CPU) included in it's broad subject and real world application. other Plugins (CPU) Analog summing (Parallel) vs Digital summing (Serial) as well as the above linked starting thread, Hardware convolution reverb (DSP) vs. In some ways this thread could take many forks since there are elements of Pro Tools HD (DSP) vs. While you can have multiple cores doing parallel processes there is still a serial gate keeper directing traffic within that CPU so for the sake of this thread's discussion I'm treating multicore CPU's as a faster Serial processor. While prior single core CPU's were true Serial processors the current multicore CPU's are more of a hybrid. Before someone busts my chops on this point let me make it. Serial processing via a much more powerful modern CPU. The heart of that tangent was the issue over using Parallel processing via many specific DSP's vs. convolution plugins that I thought deserved it's own separate discussion. An interesting tangent topic developed in this thread sony dre 2000 mystery when talking about hardware convolution reverb units vs.

Advantage of serial processing